Don't Replace Your Roof. Restore it for Half the Cost with Countryman Coatings.
RV Roof Restoration Using Countryman Coatings
Made in the USA
Countryman Coatings are proudly made in the USA, and always have been. Manufactured right here in Indiana, we can ship to all parts of the country in 2-3 days.
Reduce Energy Spend
Applying Countryman Coatings can reduce your energy usage by up to 20% and reduce your energy spend by up to $.50/square foot. Decrease building temperature, AC equipment strain, and energy spend.
100% Silicone
Countryman Coatings are high-solids and 100% Silicone. This means what you apply to the roof will still be there when it cures, and your coating will withstand ponding water, UV rays, and degradation.
Half the Cost
Less labor, less material, less equipment, less time. All these benefits work together to give you a fully-restored roof for less than half the cost of a traditional roof replacement.

Restore Your Roof in a Day
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“It was so easy to apply, that I was done in just a few hours. The seasonal rains began the next week, and not a drop got in!”
"So far, we have used it on 2 of our aging RVs, and are very happy with the result. We were expecting to have to use a second coat, but it proved unnecessary."
“We are very happy with our choice and would highly recommend it to anyone looking for an easy and inexpensive solution to a leaky roof.”
“It adds years to your roof. It was easy for me to apply it to the roof. The end result is not only functional, but attractive as well, bright, clean, and like new appearance.”
“Great quality. It gives a thick coating to my roof. I am very happy about the result.”
“Works like a second roof.”